The Village Savings and Loans Associations is a banking on change program MeDRO is currently implementing. This project was piloted for a couple of years prior to the incorporation of the organization. The program simply seeks to improve the livelihoods of targeted communities especially women in these rural catchment zones by bringing them together into groups and contributing to a single pool from which they can take loans to support or start their small scale businesses.
Such people would hitherto resort
to loan sharks to borrow at excessive rates which only end up sinking them further down into poverty.
project is being currently implemented by MeDRO in three different districts (Nkwanta South, Nkwanta North and Krachi East) in northern Volta of Ghana in many towns and villages. Over five
thousand individuals have and or are benefiting from this program.
VSLAs seek to augment Micro Finance Institutions operating in these rural communities.
When disasters happen in our operation area, we seek for funds to provide relief to affected persons. In early 2016, many parts of Ghana experienced droughts and wild fires resulting in the loss of farms of many in our areas of operation. MeDRO quickly mobilized funds from donors and constructed a mechanized borehole with a reservoir at Nkwanta to ease the culminating effect of the lack of portable water in that area.
Bags of rice were also donated to many affected persons.